Sunday, March 25, 2012


By Mark Bishop


Commonly mistaken for
Uncommon tolerance
Sweeps away the innocence
of those who choose to care

If the One who's very name is love
Is stricken from our signs and schools
How long until our laws are tools
Mere walls and bars to keep us fools
Chasing after endless passion

Until people are all the same
Swept away in the normalcy
Of sex, money, freedom, fame
honor, success, hidden shame

Who will rise to part these waters?
can we leave this world to our son or daughter
knowing they are only fodder for life's cruel plays
Destined to spend countless days pondering why they'd even live another?


Freedom from worth is not a right I choose to embrace
Freedom to act like everyone's right is not the same as grace 
Oh generation wake up and face the terror of indifference

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